Thursday, October 7, 2010

I Enjoy Being a Girl

OK, so I don't always.  Why are we so moody?  High-strung?  Crazy?  I believe it has to do with the amount of products that you use.  Follow me.  Girls use a lot of different products.  For each body part there are at least two that must be used.  And hair is one that can make you go off the charts.  I think bad hair days are also the cause of many moody, high-strung days.  The following is just an example:

Hair - shampoo, conditioner, smoothing cream, serum, hairspray
on non-high maintenance days I will use 2 in 1 and mousse and hairspray.

Face - face soap, eye make up remover, toner, eye cream, moisturizer and then onto make up

Body - regular soap, froofy soap, shaving cream in some parts, shaving gel in others, shea butter for some parts, lotion for others

This isn't even getting into technicalities such as toes and fingers and eyebrows and all of the stuff in between.  I tend to neglect those things at time, but then again, I'm usually stressed out and unable to relax.

Maybe that is the remedy to it all.  Take time to take care of yourself where you can take care of others.  For once I should probably follow my own advice.  Instead of getting bitter about it, I should embrace it and love it.  But I can't do that until I feel good.  Hmmm, I like it when I answer my own questions :)

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